“Don’t explain your philosophy. Embody it.” Epictetus
HVY is a vehicle for my solo work that fuses media and synthesizes analog ideas with future-facing aesthetics in a style of “analog futurism.” My central aim is to provoke the imagination and challenge existing modes of thinking, styles, design, and interaction. For two decades, I have traveled the world doing what I love… creating art installations, meeting fascinating peeps, and having a blast along the way. A Southern California transplant, my work blends the analog, rough hand-drawn style of 80’s skateboard and surf graphics with high-end, clean digital render techniques. Pioneering the interactive street art mural over a decade ago, I still do large-scale mural installations in addition to 1 of 1 digital art for private collectors. My work explores an ongoing struggle to find equanimity between binary oppositions: analog & digital | human & computer | rough & smooth | crooked & straight | monochrome & color. In short, my art is an extension of my mental practice to find balance not only in my mind, but in the surrounding world.
H V Y . C O N N E C T @ G M A I L . C O M